From Date of Purchase % Amount
Year 1 …….……..…..…..…………………..………100%
Year 2 .…………..……………………………….…..80%
Year 3 ……………..…………..………………………60%
Year 4 ……………..…………………..……………… 50%
Year 5 ……………..………………………….…….… 40%
Year 6 ……………..…………………………………..30%
Year 7……. ………….………………………………..20%
Year 8 -15. ………….………………………………..10%
Should you choose to dispose of the tree box, we suggest you keep the following information:
Copy of your receipt
Tree Item Number (found on side of box)
Date Purchased
Amount Paid
Store Where Purchased
Manufacturing Code